An Intern An Intern

Church Visit

Brittan writes about one of the visits to a church congregation.

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An Intern An Intern

Vlog #2

Brittan answers the prompt: What has been one of your favorite challenges so far?

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An Intern An Intern

Vlog #1

Brittan answers the prompt: What have you learned about being part of a team?

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An Intern An Intern

Learning to be Vulnerable

Brittan Botzum reflects on moments of worship and Bible Study and examines her level of vulnerability on Summer Internship.

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An Intern An Intern

Teamwork and Learning My Role Amidst the Group

Brittany Botzum reflects on her experiences playing sports with the other interns. She highlights what she’s learning in regards to teamwork and team dynamic and also considers what role she should play not only on the field/court but also for the Summer as a part of Summer Internship.

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