First Impressions
Journal Prompt
How was your first day? What stood out to you?
My Thoughts
The first word that comes to mind to describe our first day would be unexpected but intentional. At the end of our first day I am feeling very thankful and challenged by all the lessons we have learned. I am excited to be a part of the legacy of people that have gone before us and continue to live such faithful lives of ministry.
One of the lessons that has stood out to me the most today came through a game of soccer. All of the participants of the trip were on a team and we were playing against a very skilled and experienced team. We were clearly at a disadvantage, the teams were unfair. After our game, in which we lost 15 to 1, Mr. Garner helped us to make considerations for the poor who are also often found in unfair situations because of the rules powerful people create to keep them down. Mr. Garner continued by pointing out that the world is not fair, the scales are tipped. This is the world that Jesus came into to bring justice and this is the same kind of work that are called to participate in.