First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

My first day was great! I have been looking forward to this trip for several months now, so it was really exciting to finally begin. The first part of Internship is all about preparation for what is to come. Because of this, we have times of worship, bible study, and training simulations that help us become more unified as a team. We not only learn how to work together, but we get to connect with the Lord in a very intentional way. 

Something that stood out to me today was a lesson that we learned while on the soccer field. Our team of interns was matched against a very experienced team who’ve played for several years together. They were not only experienced, but the majority of our team is not athletic. After losing 12 to 1, one of our trip leaders, Mr. Garner, shared how as Americans, we are not accustomed to being in a position of weakness. The reality of this game is that there was no possible way that could win. He helped us understand that a lot of the people we are serving are constantly living in a world where they are not able to win. They are oppressed by the powerful who make the law and take from them. Though a bad soccer team is very different from poverty, it was humbling to consider. I know that God’s justice seeks to equalize the gap between the rich and poor, but he needs people who can push for that kind of justice to take place. 

I know this lesson is just the beginning. God is going to continue to open our eyes to see those whom he is concerned with - the poor and oppressed. I’m excited to continue learning about God’s heart and how we, as His children, can respond to injustice.


First Impressions


First Impressions