First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

My first day was really thought-provoking and has challenged me to go into this trip with a level of attentiveness that I don’t think I’ve ever experienced. We spent a lot of today doing some tasks of preparing to go abroad, but they were coupled with times and activities that really forced us to look out for clues and meanings behind what we’re seeing. It was challenging and pushed me in ways that I certainly did not expect for day one, but I think this whole day showed me just how intentional our trip is set up for us to be prepared for the field.

I’m so thankful for it because I know this kind of preparation will majorly enhance our time abroad. Beginning these trips is always a little nerve-wracking, but I’m very confident after today that the Lord is going to open our eyes and help us all to see the world around us in a way we never have before. I’m looking forward in faith and trusting that the lessons we learn both here and abroad will change our lives and help us to see the world the way the Lord sees it.


First Impressions

