SLAM Week Impact

Journal Prompt

SLAM Nashville week: What did you learn? How were you challenged? What will you take away from this experience?

My Thoughts

I have been very encouraged this past week through the Bible teachings we have received from Mr. Garner. In studying John 15, the word ‘abide’ is repeated multiple times. In order to produce fruit we have to be people that abide in the Father and surround ourselves with people who are committed to doing the same. I am thankful God has given me so many friends who are committed to learning what that looks like. I am thankful we can do it together and I am looking forward to continuing to deepen these friendships throughout this summer and for the rest of my life. 

There were many lessons to be taken from this experience. I was challenged to be intentional in every activity we put together for the youth to engage. Being a part of a SLAM week, as a participant over 10 years ago, became something that changed my life. I know the power that can come on the other side of weeks that are put together with the youth in mind by people that are full of the word of God and ready to serve. I want to continue to be a person that can use my gifts to contribute to that work.


SLAM Week Impact


SLAM Week Impact