Learning to be Vulnerable
by Brittan Botzum
Journal Prompt:
What is one major lesson or thing that God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested and what has your response been? Can you connect that to the Bible Studies we’ve had?
Brittan listening to a Bible Study on the first day of Summer Internship.
My Thoughts
A major lesson God is teaching me is how important and beneficial vulnerability is. During one of our moments of worship, we sang the line “I want to know you. I want to hear your voice, I want to know you more.” As we were singing it to God, I felt like between phrases the Lord would say it back to me. This made me also think about the bible study we started on the first day on 1 John 3. In verse 1, it is clear that God is our father and loves us in a that way.
Brittan along with other interns praying amidst a worship set at one of the leader’s homes.
One of our leaders explained that because of the Word “see” in the text, it is an invitation to come close. God wants us to observe the love that he has for us and God wants us to be close to him. I felt these things reinforced as we sang that song in worship.