Love Drives Out Fear

by Lydia Winter

SLAM NSHVLL Week - 6.24.21 -177.jpg

Journal Prompt

What is one major lesson or thing that God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested, and what has your response been like? Can you connect that to the Bible studies we’ve been having?

My Thoughts

Well, there have already been so many, but the biggest lesson I’ve learned so far has probably been from one of the morning Bible studies we did and it was from 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” It’s been so comforting because I was a little fearful coming into this. But after reading and praying over this verse I have seriously had so much peace. It really is crazy how fast God’s perfect love can drive out my fears when I give them all to him and surrender. There have been so many unknowns on this trip and so just giving my worries to the Lord has been so freeing it sounds so cliche but it’s been so good.


Learning to be Vulnerable


Trust & Learn