Church Visit

We got the chance to visit Word of God Redeemed Church in Bombo Town. This church belongs to Pastor Tom. This was the location G.O.D. first came to when Mr. Garner followed the Lord’s direction to Uganda. It was a place I’ve heard about many times. It was impactful to be standing in the same place and be surrounded by the people who committed to serving the Lord over 20 years ago. It is inspiring to know that the same people, 20 years later, are still faithfully carrying out the same mission.

We visited the church on a Saturday night and also a Sunday morning which was when we were able to worship alongside the congregation. Both times we were there, Mr. Garner spoke and he talked about the importance of legacy. “One sows and another reaps” (John 4:37). “Yet wisdom is justified by all her children” (Luke 7:35).

Just the day before I got to talk to Ssuubi, the son of one of our cooperatives, about how special it was for him to be a part of this legacy. We even talked about the exciting future of our team as a new generation is meeting together now and will get to spend many years to come in ministry together. During service that Sunday, Mr. Garner brought up the children to stand in front of their parents as a visual of the legacy and the wisdom that has been found in following the Lord. I am thankful to know I have also been grafted into this legacy and have the responsibility to carry it on.


Teaching in Schools


Church Visit