Church Visit

Our team had the privilege of visiting Word of God Redeemed Church residing in Bombo Town. The church has a special place in G.O.D.’s heart because of the history there. Pastor Tom wanted to learn the word of God, and Gregg felt led to the people of Uganda. In a bus the Lord was telling Gregg to turn this way, go straight, turn that way, and ended up meeting Pastor Tom. Our team walked through Bombo Town, which was an experience itself and deserves its own topic. Upon entering the church I see the congregation praising and worshipping. We are then welcomed by Pastor Tom and transition to testimonies and worship put on by the team. Reuben and Jon, who are our Kenyan cooperatives, lead the session. The interns surprise them at the end because we started to perform one of our songs. The crowd joins us in dancing, singing, and rejoicing in the Lord. After worship, Gregg starts the sermon by desegregating the church. When we first walked in the congregation was split. The white people sat in one half and the Africans on the other. In order to change history, we need to change the culture that was present. Us Americans greeted and sat next to Ugandans and vice versa. Gregg continued to teach about an ongoing problem in various churches. Many pastors are not teaching the word of God, but manipulating the congregation for wealth. They’ve been following the economy of the world. This isn’t only in Uganda but all over the world. It’s our responsibility as learners and students to discern the voice of God. A point Gregg made that stuck out to me was that you don’t learn the voice of God by other men. An example he gave was when he was preaching before, the interpreter wasn’t translating the message but asking the congregation for their money. He emphasized to be a church with wisdom that recognizes what they are doing.


Church Visit


Home Visit