Home Visit

Our team was blessed to receive the hospitality of the Kigozi family on a bright Sunday afternoon after our time at the Bombo Redeemed church. As we approached their home, we were greeted by beautiful smiling faces, music, and they even set up a ribbon ceremony for us to cut and showered us with flower petal confetti as we walked through. We were served the most delicious food, and we enjoyed fellowshipping with one another as we ate. After we finished, Mr. Kigozi shared stories with our team, and he told us his perspective of G.O.D.’s beginnings in Uganda, his first impressions, and the service that this initial team gave as they worked with Bombo Redeemed Chruch, where he attended. He recounted how they would sleep on the floor of the church, and the impact the team had on everyone there, his thankfulness to them for their obedience and to God for his faithfulness to answer their prayers. Our team sang for the family songs we’ve rehearsed in Swahili and Luganda and we ended our time by praying for them all. God was present with us on that day. I’m confident everyone there felt the joy of the Lord and was just as blessed by the Kigozis’ hospitality as I was.


Church Visit


Walking through Town