Welcome to the Summer Internship Blog
If you are signed up and ready to go or still exploring your options our Blog is a resource for those looking for information about summer mission trips. College students, high schoolers, parents, and young adults can all read articles, learn tips, get updates and even interact with other participants present and past.

Fundraising for Mission Trips
Often, your first question after signing up for a mission trip is, “how in the world am I going to raise funds?”
Usually, your thoughts go to working extra jobs or utilizing your savings to cover the cost. Rarely do people start by making a request on their network. This is a mistake. Each of you has people who invested into your life to help you become who you are today. Allowing those individuals to help you follow Jesus is a gift to them, not a burden. But, you have to be genuine.

Forever Changed by a Mission Trip to Africa
I went on Summer Internship with G.O.D. International 16 years ago and my life was forever changed as a result. I knew that God had called me to serve abroad but didn’t know when, how, or where. It was on Summer Internship that I received those answers. I was able to give God the room he needed to speak concerning what he wanted from me.
Mistake #5: Going With an Organization that Doesn’t Have Deep Relationships with Locals
On our Summer Internship, you are going with an organization that has over 25 years of experience facilitating short-term teams. Moreover, we’ve been doing so in Central America and East Africa, with many of the same people.

Mistake #4: Choosing a Missions Organization that Doesn’t Include Pre-travel Training
So many mission teams, even in Jesus’ name, hit the field running without any time for training or strategy AND it shows. In fact, the worst part is that such teams don’t even know what they don’t know - meaning their trip could’ve been so much more, but no one there had any other experience than just a bunch of strangers showing up together for a trip and then implementing ad hoc efforts connected to general plans.

Mistake #3: Giving Money a Voice in the Matter
You can choose to listen to God who said that in pursuit of his Kingdom with priority, and his righteousness, the things you need would be added to you (Matthew 6:33). So don’t let money be your master and if God is calling you to go on a mission with Jesus, then seek his Kingdom with priority and enact his righteousness and you’ll see God provide all you need!

Overcoming Fear and Doubt While on Jesus’ Mission.
In the summer of 2006, I went on the Global Summer Internship, which included mission trips to Jamaica, Guatemala, and the Philippines. As an 18-year-old, I already knew the Lord had called me to serve him with my life by caring for “the least of these.” Though I was plagued with insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, fear, and doubt, I told the Lord I would follow him wherever he led me.

Mistake #2: Allowing the Destination to Be a Deciding Factor
Funny… but unfortunately many children of God “shop” their mission trip based upon whether or not the destination seems appealing to them - to the degree that if all other things were wonderful and exactly what God wanted, they would not go on the trip because it wasn’t a destination of interest to them.

Series: 10 Mistakes People Make Choosing their Mission Trip
Going on a mission trip is a big decision. This is true if you are a Student, Parent, or a young adult somewhere in between. Prior to every big decision he would make, the Gospels teach us that Jesus spent intentional time praying about what the Father wanted him to do, including how he would do it to honor his reputation and advance his mission.