Forever Changed by a Mission Trip to Africa

By: Cameron Kagay

I went on a summer mission trip to Kenya, East Africa with G.O.D. International 16 years ago and my life was forever changed as a result. I knew that God had called me to serve abroad, but didn’t know when, how, or where. It was on Summer Internship that I received those answers. I was able to give God the room he needed to speak concerning what he wanted from me. I had never been in an environment where time in prayer, worship, and learning the bible were so valued. I learned that without these intentional times with the Lord, it was going to be hard to receive the direction I desired from God. It was during those times, that God spoke to me.

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It was also on Summer Internship that I found others that loved Jesus as much or more than I did. I found people who intensely wanted to serve God with their lives, and do what the Bible says. I found the kind of people I wanted to serve Jesus with. Today I serve with G.O.D. International as the Lead Manager for our work in East Africa. I am convinced that you won’t find an organization more concerned about helping you connect with Jesus and how he wants us to serve. 

This internship is not for the faint of heart, you will be pushed. You will be pushed to rely on God’s strength, pushed to wrestle with God’s Word, and pushed to give yourself to the Lord. If you are someone who desires to serve the poor, learn God’s Word, and receive more direction for what God wants from you, Summer Internship with G.O.D. may be just what you need. Come spend the summer with us. You won’t regret it!


Fundraising for Mission Trips


Mistake #5: Going With an Organization that Doesn’t Have Deep Relationships with Locals