Series: 10 Mistakes People Make Choosing their Mission Trip

Mistake #1: Not Praying About the Decision


Going on a mission trip is a big decision. This is true if you are a student, parent, or a young adult somewhere in between. Before every big decision, the Gospels teach us that Jesus spent intentional time praying about what the Father wanted him to do, including how he would do it to honor his reputation and advance his mission. 


In fact, Luke 11 tells us “Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” 2 And he said to them, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.”You can see in this text that a) the disciples observed Jesus' routine efforts in prayer to the degree they were compelled to ask for teaching as to adopt the practice; b) Jesus' initial outline for how they should pray acknowledged the Father’s reputation and the agenda/mission of his Kingdom coming. 

As college students, you are given opportunities to make decisions on your own for perhaps the first time in your life. Some of them are small, like when to go to bed or which pizza flavor to order. But some of the decisions you will be making can impact your entire life. What major do I choose, who do I go out with, where is Jesus leading me? Don’t make the mistake of not praying about choosing the mission trip God wants for you. Remember, it’s up to the Father because it’s about his name/reputation, and it’s to advance his kingdom/mission.


Mistake #2: Allowing the Destination to Be a Deciding Factor