Julian - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3

Journal prompt: How are you different after Summer Internship 2024? How have you changed? What people or experiences contributed? Are you happy about it?

At the start of the trip I prayed that the Lord would soften my heart so I can see the way he sees the world and his people. I didn’t know how powerful that prayer actually was. First thing to begin that process was to heal from past trauma and brokenness I’d never faced. This caused me to be hard-hearted and not be compassionate or loving or caring for God's children. I was able to process my emotions I was feeling with my leaders and fellow interns on this trip. This allowed for me to cry more during intense times of worship, have deeper conversations with the people I am serving, and desire God's Word more than ever. At times it felt like the Lord was physically reaching into my heart and changing it. It was painful but beautiful. This even allowed me as I served in Uganda to show God's love in a new way. I was able to feel the struggles people have to go through every day because God sees and feels them as well. I learned that God doesn't turn away or look away from the sad, poor, lonely and desperate situations. But he is there, waiting for his children to rise up and take a stand. I am so glad I prayed this because now I can be a part in feeling how God feels when he sees people in injustice. And how he wants to help them, educate them, heal their bodies and souls, deliver them from the systems of oppression, and allow them to have beautiful and productive families. The Lord truly answers the cries of his children.


Elijah - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Ty - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3