Ty - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Journal prompt: How are you different after Summer Internship 2024? How have you changed? What people or experiences contributed? Are you happy about it?

So much has changed in me over this trip. Most prominently my heart for missions. Prior to this trip, I didn't even think I could get through one mission trip. Now I'm ready to commit my life to working abroad. It's a drastic change but God really opened my eyes this trip. A lot of that was thanks to the alternative perspective/approach that was exemplified this trip. Using education rather than just sheer funds, though more difficult and time-consuming, is genuinely the way we can make a change in this world. It's why despite seeing a lot of pain, I also came out of this trip with hope. This all came from our leaders exemplifying for us in tandem with Mr Garner's wisdom through sermons and Bible studies. We received so much investment from all our leaders. I am incredibly grateful and encouraged. Not only were they investing in us, they were doing it even more with our cooperatives. I am so happy about this change in me. There was a lot of hopelessness I held and felt towards missions that has completely disappeared. That hopelessness has been replaced by a hunger for the Word and a desire to keep serving.


Julian - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Maddie - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3