Elijah - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3

Journal prompt: How are you different after Summer Internship 2024? How have you changed? What people or experiences contributed? Are you happy about it?

I feel as though I am more aware of the injustice that is present in our world. I have found that I am making considerations for people that I have not previously done. I feel more confident in who I am being modeled into. God has shown me not to view my past situations as a disadvantage, but rather a way to see his faithfulness through the good that he will bring from them. I feel as though I have an increased desire and need to serve and empower those who are in need, after I saw its impact firsthand. I am confident that this is what I've been called to and I believe that God is showing me how to become a ministerial and development worker that he needs me to be. My hunger to learn God's Word has increased in a way that I did not expect. I see how active it is and I understand in a greater context the power that it has on people and communities. Through the people we serve, God allowed me to come to the conclusion of the things I've written above. The greatest contribution with respect to my growth over the summer was the people.


Julian - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3