Moriah - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3

Journal prompt: How are you different after Summer Internship 2024? How have you changed? What people or experiences contributed? Are you happy about it?

I think after this trip I am different in all the best ways. I would characterize my state as empowered to learn so I can empower others. I am so ready to be back and learn God's word in depth. I am so ready to give my everything to the Lord. I've made my commitments to midwifery and missions work and I can't wait to be used by God in even more ways. The biggest contributors to the way I feel is my experience at the clinic in Central Uganda (which I wrote about in another blog). It woke me up to the reality of our world. It's one thing to hear stories of the truth, and another thing to see it and sit with the tension of not being able to do anything. BUT, one day I will be able to do something. That woman is a reminder of the larger demographic and I am passionate about bringing them a voice, just as Jesus did, giving them a place at the table. I am filled with a lot of joy. Our debrief time was so good to help me make resolves and find closure. I miss my friends already but I get to serve God with them for the rest of my life, and that brings me so much joy.


Jenna - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Gabby - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3