Gabby - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3

Journal prompt: How are you different after Summer Internship 2024? How have you changed? What people or experiences contributed? Are you happy about it?

Even though I look like the same old Gabby on the outside, I feel like a completely different person on the inside. Before this summer, I felt as if I walked around with my eyes half closed, unaware of the intensity of the systems of this world that exist around me. But now, I feel as if my eyes are wide open. Exposed to the light and chaos that surrounds me. This occurred through not only seeing new places but through an education in God's Word. I have been able to learn how we as God’s kids have to adopt a heavenly mindset. I have been able to learn how we as God's kids have to adopt a heavenly mindset, a selfless and servant leader mentality that helps to inform and label the things that our eyes see, and ears hear. Through this summer, I have learned more and more about how we as God's kids have a responsibility of bringing God's kingdom here to earth, and developing people and communities through education in the Word of God. This has made me different. It has helped me to mature, and change my mindset on how it is I need to spend my life. I made a commitment to serve the Lord and work in ministry with GOD for the rest of my life on this trip, and I could not be more ecstatic about it. The Lord has helped my eyes have the vision of what he wants me to do with my life, which is prioritizing education in God's Word, and then going into the world and serving God's kids through education, advocacy, and empowerment. Summer Internship 2024 has completely changed my life, thank you Lord.


Moriah - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Rebecca - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3