Jenna - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3

Journal prompt: How are you different after Summer Internship 2024? How have you changed? What people or experiences contributed? Are you happy about it?

This trip has been life changing in so many ways beyond words. I feel lighter, more free. I feel encouraged and inspired and built up. I'm much more motivated to not only study God's Word more on my own, but also in my school work, to work harder and spend more time actively learning. I've learned so much about what it means to really be a disciple of Jesus and how important it is to take responsibility for the calling that's been placed on our lives and to educate people in God's Word. We are not supposed to keep that knowledge and what we learn to ourselves, we are to build up the body of Christ and help each other grow. I also now recognize the importance of sharing the mind of Christ as a body and that we are all on the same team. The East African Institute students were pivotal in my understanding of this because I saw how even though we'd been miles away, they so fervently prayed for each and every one of us which helped unify us and allow us to feel more connected. The way they study and devote themselves to the Word and their classes and homework is so admirable, inspiring, and motivating. One of the things I also shared was how I recognize in myself the capacity I have that's more than I recognized at first, I don't have to limit myself specifically to just music, but I am capable of doing much more to bring his kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. I also recognize in myself the need and desire to continue to be conscious of my habits, that I wouldn't sit back into the luxuries and comforts of being back home, but to continue to be aware of my spending habits, to recognize a need versus a want, to be even more willing to die to my flesh every day and give up items of comfort and items I place too high of a value on and place my identity in. I want to continue to profane these things in my life that have a hold on me or take control of me. I also recognize even more deeply by the example of our leaders what it means to really lead and be totally selfless: an uncomplaining servant. Throughout the duration of the trip I also learned and experienced healthy conflict and resolution, to take correction learning I'm surrounded by people who love me and want to see me develop into who the Lord has created me to be. I have learned the importance of speaking up and using my voice from Malorye and the amazing example she set this trip. I feel enlightened and ready to share these biblical revelations with people and to testify to the work the Lord has done in me! He has opened my eyes to the people the Word speaks about, to be empowered and myself to empower them to get the basic human needs God desires all of his kids to have. I'm so grateful for this experience and the way the Lord showed up. I'm happy about the change I feel, and I’ve loved growing with this amazing team, seeing their development, and watching their eyes get opened. It was an incredible, eye-opening, and transforming experience for us all.


Melanie - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Moriah - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3