Gabby - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2

This trip, we had one SLAM week where students spent 2-3 days full of service projects and Bible study sessions. One of the days, I was put on a service project on our campus in Uganda. We were putting up lights around campus, and learning about how solar panels work and provide energy for the homes and student housing on campus. My dad was the one in charge of this service project and I got the privilege of being able to work alongside him, as well as being able to witness and receive him teaching all of the SLAM African youth about solar. Every student was engaged in his teaching, asking questions about what he was saying. I was so impacted by my dad because of his capacity to teach, and empower these kids through an education of how solar works. This education would allow them to go back and help teach their families on how to maintain solar energy so that their families have running water and electricity. I am forever thankful that I got to spend this summer going on another mission trip to Uganda with my dad, and I know this is a memory I will cherish because of its impact.


Ethan - Update 9: Debrief Blog 3


Moriah - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2