Melanie - Update 3: Week 2 Blog

God is so good! Boot Camp, SLAM, and Internship this week have been powerful. It’s been a learning process. It’s been challenging. It’s been only a week and a half! I can confidently say that the Lord has healed my mind. For a while, I have been hesitant to speak up. I have been a fearful person. I have been unable to see how I could be a person that God wants to use. This week that has changed.

Mr. Garner spoke on Colossians 3:1-3 with the “Rek’nize” theme for SLAM. We were all blessed to be able to medicate on this passage and allow it to be imprinted on our hearts. This Scripture combined with doing service projects and helping to run SLAM every day showed me so much. I was pushed this week.

My heart is so at peace because I now know in confidence that I am God’s kid that he wants to use for his good works. He has an intended purpose for all of us, His kids. My life is no longer my own, it’s God’s. My mind is no longer plagued by fear, doubt, or sadness. My mind is now set on God’s heavenly agenda.

Because of this past week, I have so much hope and confidence in what God is going to do in Uganda. I now understand the responsibility that god has entrusted to me to bring light to dark places. It is an hour and my prayer is to keep making God proud. My prayer is that this summer, we can selflessly serve our brothers and sisters in Africa and share with them the blessing we have received from learning God’s Word.

I am so filled with hope and peace. Our team is so unified after being able to work, worship, and pray together every day. Everyone’s faces are shining and our hearts are open. I can only say, “Thank you, God!” for doing this healing in me, for loving me, and for believing in me. I am truly so excited for each day to be alive and to be doing this work because God is at the center of it all.


Maddie - Update 3: SLAM Blog


Jenna - Update 3: SLAM Blog