Jenna - Update 3: SLAM Blog

I am so excited to be able to testify to the work the Lord has done in me and what he has shown me this past week in Nashville during SLAM! I had not recognized the belief in myself that I was inadequate or not needed on this trip until coming to a head with it on Tuesday night during worship. Gabby and Malorye, my roommates, were faithful to pray over me and the Lord spoke to me. Gabby specifically spoke life into me afterward of exactly what I needed to hear about how needed I was on this trip and the important role I play. I was reminded how God was proud of me and loved me so much. 

Wednesday came and I got to talk to a young girl who was a leader with one of the youth groups who became interested in the Institute. I told her all about the education we received, the community we are always surrounded by, the relationships you develop…I talked her ears off and she kept saying she wanted to apply this coming weekend. Then during worship time I felt like I needed to go pray for her after what she had shared and I wanted to exemplify what I've learned throughout this past year so I went up during a song about letting the Lord lead your life. I asked her if I could pray for her and she said yes. It definitely wasn't the smoothest prayer because I was a little nervous, but I do remember saying things that just kind of came out. 

I gave her a little squeeze and went back to my spot and she followed me and told me I was the first person to ever pray for her and I gave her a long hug and shared some encouraging words to her about how God loved her. She had said the next day that she applied to the Institute and she wanted to come in the fall! Even this evening she said she didn't want to leave and we just jokingly reminded her that we'd see her in a couple months. 

Then Thursday night during worship I felt like I needed to pray by myself during the song “Good Good Father” and I got down on my hands and knees with my face on the floor in the posture of surrender and I cried out to the Lord. Then I spent the majority of the rest of the time with Maddie as she has been worshiping with me. I have felt so free these last few days and felt the presence of God was so concrete in these moments. The Holy Spirit was faithful to show up every time and I have been beyond blessed. 


Melanie - Update 3: Week 2 Blog


Merci - Update 2: Morristown Blog