Merci - Update 2: Morristown Blog

When I start to remember and reflect on the long way, I can’t help but tear up, and even more so as God just keeps adding to that story. It feels like my heart can’t contain the depth of testimonies, stories, and faith-filled words I have heard and witnessed in just the last week and a half, and yet it does.

Traveling to Gatlinburg to host a retreat for the C4GOD pastoral leadership team of Morristown was an incredible opportunity. This community’s faith could move mountains. Our team was able to share helpful resources and educational materials with their team to help support their church’s ministerial efforts and cultivate a hospitable church environment for their body of believers.

As we shared, worshiped, and fellowshipped together over the weekend, God’s presence was near. The Morristown community has suffered much, especially their leadership. Our team was unaware of the recent hardships and loss they encountered when planning this retreat, and discussing ways we can bless and support their church body.

God used this retreat time, and our team’s willingness to usher in God’s Spirit, bringing relief, even joy to their hearts. And most of all, they testified to God’s Spirit filling them with vision and hope for the future work and ministry God will do in and through them.

My heart is so full to have witnessed in just 2 days the compassionate hand of God, working to bring life and hope in the face of incredible hardship and death. God remains faithful!


Jenna - Update 3: SLAM Blog


Angel - Update 3: SLAM Blog