Angel - Update 3: SLAM Blog

Starting this SLAM week after coming from Morristown, I was afraid of what we were asked to do (help run the program week with SLAM). I made a decision to not allow any distractions to overcome my time of learning with the Lord. I was put on a team to help with hospitality for the week. I did not know what to do with my hospitality group and I was sensing the shame of having to do another presentation in front of others. 

On Tuesday, I had an opportunity to work with my group a little bit. After we had good clarification from our leaders, they gave us a bigger picture of what we were going to do about hospitality. Jen (one of our leaders) came in and also helped a lot, giving us Scripture references and what the Bible says about hospitality. Still, I was praying so hard to be that kind of person that God needs me to be, to not shut down and shame and blame that I didn't know what I was doing. 

On Wednesday, I got to serve in a service project group. God really humbled me when I met the lead guy at the service project. He loved the Lord so much and shared that he used to be someone who was a tall, smart, famous basketball player. But one day it all changed into a wheelchair and he shared that the only identity where he could find himself was in being a child of God. That hit me close to think of the privilege that I have to be known by God. 

I just felt that I should do better in reading my Bible, remaining in the Word and praying. We are God’s kids and his word is the most important and precious, more than anything else. I'm so thankful to learn about hospitality and its details and I'm so thankful for things I tried like playing games and swimming and being present and accepting to learn from others. I am grateful to see God manifesting through my obedience.

Today is the last day of SLAM. I learned so much and I took myself out of my box. My prayer is that I can keep up with his Word - to not be  overwhelmed by the challenge but to have a new mindset of trying, asking questions, engaging, being present and trusting in God. 


Merci - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Gabby - Update 3: Week 2 Blog