Winning Together

by Chris Diaz

SI2021 - TN Volleyball-52.jpg

Journal Prompt

Sunday’s activities introduced themes of teamwork - how to identify leadership, distribute roles, enact perseverance and flexibility, and employ encouragement in order to “win” no matter the circumstance. What did you learn about yourself from those exercises? Can you identify some roles that you are gifted in, when working on a team?

My Thoughts

I learned that there is a difference between winning the game and winning as a team. When doing an activity, people will have their strengths and weaknesses. Sunday we played volleyball and had to separate the best players from the worst in a unique way. But our goal wasn’t to improve our volleyball skills, even though some may have, but to learn what it takes to advance team skills: communication, support, strategy, and unity. I also learned that everybody has something to offer. I, for example, know the game of volleyball more than others. Wanting my teammates to excel, I can give them tips/tricks on fundamentals and strategies. People who don’t really know how to play can watch the lines for the incoming ball.


Lessons in Teamwork


Lessons in Teamwork