Lessons in Teamwork

by Olivia Beaverson

Journal Prompt:

Sunday’s activities introduced themes of teamwork - how to identify leadership, distribute roles, enact perseverance and flexibility, and employ encouragement in order to “win” no matter the circumstance. What did you learn about yourself from those exercises? Can you identify some roles that you are gifted in, when working on a team?

I learned that on teams, I get worried about not being enough for my teammates. Those worries feed lies that I’m a burden and not enough. Those worries prevent me from being present for my team. Those worries prevented me from even seeing where I fit in the team. I think I can be a good encourager to my teammates when I make the choice to get out of my head.

I learned that winning the game itself means little to me but being there for my team to help us accomplish a goal means everything to me. It’s in those moments that I feel like I’m not enough that I begin to take on the role of judge - something only God should occupy. I hope moving forward I can learn from this lesson and God can teach me how to hear his judgements, believe them, and let mine go.

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I hope moving forward I can be present to focus on the needs of the team, knowing all my needs will be met. As for strengths, I’m not sure - so I’ll just have to give it my all and let the Lord show me what it is he is developing in me.

I’m praying the LORD grows each of us in perseverance and flexibility. It was encourageed by how many of my teammates took such a joyful deameanor even when there were new, unexpected, and challenging limitations. For example, only being able to play volleyball with your non-dominant hand.

I also enjoyed my brothers and sisters noticing when I was in my head or anxious - like Anna getting me to not just be quiet but ask questions, or Walt making me laugh. At the end, Lauren G had an awesome moment as well where she exemplified perseverance and flexibility. She kept having ball after ball come at her and every time she was there. I’m thankful for the examples I have in my brothers and sisters no matter what circumstance. Keep my eyes up and open Lord. Thanks for my team, my family.


Letting God Lead


Winning Together