Letting God Lead

by Lydia Winter

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Journal Prompt

Sunday’s activities introduced themes of teamwork - how to identify leadership, distribute roles, enact perseverance and flexibility, and employ encouragement in order to “win” no matter the circumstance. What did you learn about yourself from those exercises? Can you identify some roles that you are gifted in, when working on a team?

My Thoughts

For this exercise I learned that I don’t always need to be in control or be the ‘boss’ all the time. It was definitely humbling but so good. I also learned that there is a time and a place to be a leader and step up, and there is a time to just sit back and encourage. I don’t think I’ve ever been the best at just listening and obeying when others are in control and take the lead. It made me realize that I do that with God too. I try and lead because I think I know what’s best for me but I’m quickly realizing I don’t. Submission is a huge thing I’m learning already and it’s been hard but good. I think the Lord knew I struggle with this so much, so He is quickly working on me.


Playing for the Whole


Lessons in Teamwork