Playing for the Whole

by Genesis Garner

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Journal Prompt

Sunday’s activities introduced themes of teamwork - how to identify leadership, distribute roles, enact perseverance and flexibility, and employ encouragement in order to “win” no matter the circumstance. What did you learn about yourself from those exercises? Can you identify some roles that you are gifted in, when working on a team?

My Thoughts

Sunday’s activities were awesome. I really felt like as the day progressed I could see just how effective the exercises were. Personally I learned that it’s easier for me to keep persevering mentally and physically when I understand and accept that I’m not just playing for me and also others are depending on me. Some of the roles I noticed a natural gifting in was how people listened to me if I had something to say. That’s a gift I don’t want to take lightly because I know it comes from authority God has given me and I feel the responsibility and weight of that.


Sharing a Mind with my Teammates


Letting God Lead