Lessons in Teamwork

by Anna Jones

Journal Prompt:

Sunday’s activities introduced themes of teamwork - how to identify leadership, distribute roles, enact perseverance and flexibility, and employ encouragement in order to “win” no matter the circumstance. What did you learn about yourself from those exercises? Can you identify some roles that you are gifted in, when working on a team?

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I am not an experienced volleyball player and quickly became a target for the server on the other team. I saw in myself a hesitancy to ask the other team members for what I needed. I really needed someone else’s backup in my position and once I had it things went much better!

I am an encourager and love yelling encouragements. I am also a feeler and enjoy identifying teammates who may be holding back emotions from our efforts and encouraging them to share. This has been done for me so many times that I value the closeness and fellowship that comes from telling the truth and sharing.


Winning Together


A Lesson In Teamwork