Luci - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection

This week we got to help facilitate and put on the first East Africa SLAM service camp. It’s been 20 years since Gregg Garner first came to Uganda and met John Nyago’s dad, who prayed for God to send their church someone who would teach him the Bible. Being a part of this week was an amazing and impactful experience. We helped the youth in Bombo, Uganda recognize that they can serve their community with the skills God has given them, and who God has made them.

Personally, this week God blessed me with the opportunity to go to Bombo dispensary, a small government clinic. Mrs. Josie told us how the dispensary staff do not have enough doctors and are not educated enough to treat everything that their patients come to them with. They do not have enough resources to help everyone they see in a day, and the government doesn’t always provide what they need. This re-lit the passion I have to learn public health, and to become a public health director who is able to bring change to systems like this. 


Zeke - Update 4: Redirecting Focus in East Africa


Lydia - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection