Zeke - Update 4: Redirecting Focus in East Africa

Work as if for the Lord and not for man. 

This has been a theme of mine during this week in Africa. It has felt like quite a long week because we have been doing so much. Constantly working to teach the African SLAM leaders all about SLAM. And then we helped facilitate the first ever SLAM camp service week in Africa and it went great. The problem for me that has arisen from this experience is that all these things I am doing I have done to be recognized and appreciated. I have been trying to impress people by working hard and doing everything perfect but this is not the mindset I need to be having. In everything I do, I should be doing for the Lord. For me, this comes when I change my focus to be on the kids we are serving. This is what I know the Lord wants me to focus on but has not been where my focus has been. I strive for the appreciation from my leaders and peers and it distracts me from engaging with the Lord consistently. I really want to have a relationship with the Lord where I rely on Him every day and talk with Him always. That is definitely a prayer request of mine and something that I need to be thinking about as I continue on my trip!


Ty - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection


Luci - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection