Julian - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer

Hopes for the trip:

  • Lord soften my heart to see his perspective.

  • Be better at speaking to my peers.

  • Grow stronger unity in the student body.

  • Humble me and show me the areas I lack and have strength in.

  • Stay alert and take in all the Bible.

  • Develop the ability to ask good questions.

  • Ability to express my emotions in a healthy way with friends.

  • Allow the Lord to deconstruct my religious and cultural ideologies that hinder my ability to grow in my relationship with God and people.

  • Create great friendships with our friends in East Africa that last a lifetime and to the next generation.


Melanie - Update 1: Hopes & Lessons Day 1


Malorye - Update 1: Lessons from Day 1