River - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer

My hopes for this summer are:

  • for God to help give me direction in how I can best use my gifts to benefit the body.

  • for me to be able to recognize the Lord’s voice in a new way.

  • for me to increase my discernment in how the Lord is calling me to act in the day-to-day.

  • that I can lean more on the Lord to deny my fears.

I can still feel myself getting anxious quite a bit throughout the day. My hope is that I can grow in my ability to deny those fears and lies and move forward in life with a stronger confidence in the Lord.

It’s been a great day so far! I think it’s around 11am or so at the moment. We started the day with prayer and worship with Uncle Steve, then we went to junior high SLAM morning worship! We then went to the blue house and made burritos for breakfast. Can’t wait to see what happens next!


Malorye - Update 1: Lessons from Day 1


Ethan - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer