Winnie - EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection

Praise God, I would like to first appreciate God for the great opportunity he gave me to be part of this organization. According to what I learned from Mr. Gregg Garner, God helped me build confidence because when I first met my fellow interns, I could not talk. I could only talk to Quinn and Lydia because they were the only people I knew, and they were the easier people to reach out to because they knew our local language.

But now, I gained confidence and I can talk to everyone confidently. I love praising and worship so much. When we were first together for the conference, I couldn't think that I could even be given a chance of standing in front of the “Bazungu" (white people) to praise the Lord through dancing, but thank God my heart was yearning to praise God through dancing and singing. My heart was like, “Winnie, no, you can’t be given a chance to stand before the Bazungu so chill.” It was when I went for worship team discussion that I was taught what worship team is all about. After I reached out to some members in the worship team, I was granted an opportunity to serve the Lord by leading worship, as was my wish, so thank you.

In the conference, we were taught about SLAM and what our roles were with SLAM. I had to carry out some practical tasks with the hospitality team where I welcomed the SLAM students. You know I had never done it before. At first I felt nervous. My heart was like, “how are you going to face the students? What are you going to tell them?” But I said to my heart, “Winnie, you were taught about building confidence in yourself, and according to the teaching, you can, so go on.” I gained confidence and welcomed the students so well and am so happy they felt well and enjoyed it. I had to take them to the playground where they had a lot of fun and am sure most of them liked it. According to what Pastor Joseph of Katallaro Ministry taught about during the Bible study, I learned that every day I live for a purpose so I should utilize my time well. 

From John 13:27, I learned not to play with any opportunity that comes my way. 

And from Colossians 3:23-24, it teaches us to do heartily knowing that from the Lord I will received the reward of the inheritance for I serve the Lord Christ and not man. 


Elijah - Update 4: Renewed Calling in East Africa


Rebecca - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection