Rebecca - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection

I'm so thankful to be here. I've seen the Lord’s goodness through so many things. This week, we held the first SLAM week here in East Africa, and the LORD was so present. I really loved all the people that I got to meet and work with. To be able to see the Lord move in their lives was beautiful. I was able to see the heart of each kid open to the service they were doing, to the people they were serving, to the word they were receiving, and towards everything the LORD was speaking into their lives. It was such a blessing and privilege to serve all the youth that came. I was inspired by their faith and openness to all that the Lord was doing.

One of my favorite things was their way of worship, because they worship with their whole selves. I absolutely loved it and was so touched by their explanation for why— how can you not feel the need to worship him with your whole self when he's done so much? And they're right, how can we not? Are we not living sacrifices, people who want to follow him with our mind, body, and soul?


Winnie - EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection


Malorye - East Africa Update 1