Moriah - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1

Journal prompt: What is one lesson I’ve learned from my East African friends that I will never forget?

Context: In this blog, Moriah references an experience in a Clinic in Central Uganda where she and her team witnessed a woman in labor with far too few supplies, space, or personnel available to help her. As the team was in the clinic, the woman was transported via motorbike, on very rough dirt roads, to a different clinic. Moriah has a heart for health care and specifically maternal health, and is going to attend The Institute for GOD with an occupational focus in Maternal Health, carrying out her Professional Development with NOVA Birth Services while gaining a biblical education. 

I would say the most impactful story I experienced was my moment in the clinic in Central Uganda. It really gave me confirmation as to where God is leading me, but also gave me passion behind why I want to do it. I still wrestle with the “what happened?” And I think this is going to be one of the biggest struggles for me in missions work these next few years as I figure out further where God wants to use me and my gifts. 

In that moment my eyes did not understand what they were seeing but that is the reality for so many women in this world. It seems normal to them because that is just what they do, but women will receive proper education and come to realize that they deserve more.


Zeke - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2


Ethan - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2