Ethan - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2

One of the lessons I learned this summer was from one of our African interns, Gideon. He helped explain the honor/shame culture that is in Uganda. We were both walking back from a soccer game we had just finished playing. In the game he was offside 5 or 6 times. On the way back I told him about it (after our leaders did as well) in front of other people, and I noticed him get quiet and a little upset. When I asked why he got that way, he explained that in his culture you do not “call someone out” in front of others because it lowers the person and brings them a lot of shame. This was a big lesson for me to learn more about him, and his culture. 


Moriah - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1


Kiah - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1