Moriah - Update 6: Empowerment

Journal prompt: Is empowerment easy? Why or why not?

Empowerment like Jesus is not easy because of how much the world comes against those who are empowering the needy and marginalized. Our world has systems and when those systems break because voices of people come together, the world does all it can to shut people down. We see a prime example of this in Exodus when the Hebrews began to grow in numbers and in strength, as soon as Pharoah saw they began to feel empowered by their own, he did all he could - to the point of murder - to stop them. We learned Africa has received the most government aid in the world yet, has only gotten poorer. This shows that Africa needs empowerment to help and serve their communities, not money. Empowerment comes first by learning and teaching God’s Word and those who have the ears to hear will take what they learn and empower the communities around them.


Jenna - Update 6: Empowerment


Rebecca - Update 6: Empowerment