Rebecca - Update 6: Empowerment

Journal prompt: Is empowerment easy? Why or why not?

Empowerment isn’t the simplest of processes - it takes time, energy, and resources. It’s both an investment and a commitment to the personal community/body you’re working with. It requires you to be sensitive to the needs of those around you, not only that but you need to know how to adequately respond to those needs. Empowerment takes work on both ends and it requires much endurance to be able to do it in a way that is sustainable. You need to know the Word - it’s through the example of Jesus that we can know how to empower people. Even through His example you can see that it’s not at all easy, it comes with its many challenges, but we’re even let in on knowing the fruit/blessing it brings. Empowering others biblically has us investing in a person as a whole (holistically) and giving them the power (through education) to make a difference in their communities (surroundings). Empowering people is difficult, but that’s where we find the Lord’s heart so that’s where our hearts will be as well.


Moriah - Update 6: Empowerment


Angel - Update 6: Empowerment