Angel - Update 6: Empowerment

Journal prompt: Is empowerment easy? Why or why not?

Empowerment is not easy because it has to take place after a certain process of education. I don’t think there can be empowerment without giving a person some skillset and even do follow ups after. (Acts 1:8) You can’t do empowering when there is not anything that is not normal happening. So in this passage I think the author is showing us that the disciples were not just told to be witness without the power of the Holy Spirit. In this verse the Holy Spirit is portrayed with the arrival of knowledge, education, and confidence so people can get ready for work.

Last term, I was in ministerial skills, where I was able to learn that empowerment goes hand in hand with education. Unless you don’t care about people. I am pretty sure that everyone who cares about people and also has the mind of Christ will take time teaching people and empower them after. So in few words empowering is not easy, it’s rather a process that takes time.


Rebecca - Update 6: Empowerment


Malorye - Update 6: Empowerment