Jenna - Update 6: Empowerment

Journal prompt: Is empowerment easy? Why or why not?

Empowerment is not easy. Lots of organizations and churches think it is, but when you truly empower a people group to do things on their own without being dependent it takes and resources, it’s difficult. You meet them where they are, learn their culture, develop relationships, and teach them the Word. It’s more than evangelizing to them and sharing Bible verses, but it goes further than that. People are empowered by the Word, first and foremost. The steps that are in our mission statement give a broad overview: education, advocacy, and empowerment. You teach them the Word and also educate them in terms of healthcare, educational systems, their identity, and their skillsets. You speak up for the ones who can’t speak for themselves, see them the way the Lord sees them, love on them the way Jesus would, set the example of Jesus’ service. But you don’t want to leave them dependent on you though, you want them to be able to learn how to do it themselves, so you empower them in their identity in Christ so they can do it themselves and develop their community. But it’s hard. Engaging in another culture is hard, especially when both parties are set in their ways. Language barriers can make it difficult. And most people, especially entitled cultures, don’t want to take the time to develop another community because it takes years. But those who are devoted to bringing God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven will take the time to see communities become biblically literate and self-sufficient. They will have grace and mercy that makes room for mistakes and learning curves. They will have a desire to develop deep relationships with the people in the community and to nurture them, to create those long-lasting relationships that withstand the test of time, trials, good and bad times. Empowerment is hard, but it’s worth it, and it’s what Jesus wants to see as we work to bring His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and it’s inspiring to see them empowered to serve others.


Kiah - Update 6: Empowerment


Moriah - Update 6: Empowerment