Kiah - Update 5: Missions & the Bible

Journal prompt: What role does the Bible play in missions?

I just want to answer this question with “yes.” God’s Word is the lamp to our feet and the light to our paths. It’s our life and sustenance. With this, the Bible should play THE role in our lives. The biggest role.

Now for missions the greatest gift we have is Jesus as our example for how to live according to God’s Word. If I truly want to live and serve like Jesus, I have to look at how he did it. The Bible gives us the ‘why’ for missions helping people to humble themselves and look out for others’ interests. The Bible also gives us how through the life of Jesus. The Bible backs up our efforts if we do what is true to it. The Bible should play the biggest role in missions, teaching and empowering.


Genesis - Update 5: Missions & the Bible


Julian - Update 5: Missions & the Bible