Malorye - Update 5: Missions & the Bible

Journal prompt: What role does the Bible play in missions?

My immediate answer to this prompt would be that the Bible plays the most significant role in missions. Well at least I hope it does in all missions. Our ministry is centered around God’s Word, even the people we minister to and care for are those whom Jesus calls us to care for: the poor, orphan, widow, elderly, vulnerable. This is my 2nd trip with G.O.D. Int’l and every service that we carry out is biblically based, educating and empowering people. Even down to the ways we enter and eat at the homes we are visiting, we follow Jesus’ direction on how to do so, eating what food is given to us, testifying and praying with our hosts and serving them.


Elijah - Update 6: Empowerment


Justice - Update 5: Missions & the Bible