Moriah - Update 5: Missions & the Bible

Journal prompt: What role does the Bible play in missions?

In my mission experience just from this summer I confidently say that the Bible is important in every aspect of missions work because it is the, and is our, foundation. God’s Word gives us the reason why we do what we do and how we should go about it. It is directional and our source of accountability within missions work (are we doing what Jesus did?).

God’s Word is grounding in the inevitable challenges that arise and helps us approach solutions with faith and a creative critical mind. As well as grounding us in challenges, it grounds us as our eyes are opened to the darkness that is so present in our world. When we see the laboring woman set on a boda for transfer to the military clinic, our heart breaks but we remain grounded in Scriptures like Psalm 34:18 that remind us of the truth. In this truth we find freedom and the strength to press on serving God and running this race.


Luciana - Update 5: Missions & the Bible


Ty - Update 5: Missions & the Bible