Maddie - Update 5: Missions & the Bible

Journal prompt: What role does the Bible play in missions?

This is a broad but exciting question. I feel like there are a million ways I could answer this, but the first thing that comes to my mind is how it targets the root of the problem. I have been witness to Scripture applied to real-world problems, and solving them. In areas of chaos it brings order. In communities that are lost or disobedient it brings clear direction. In the minds of the broken it heals. The Word of God is the ONLY way to do missions. It’s role is essential.

I believe that the Bible needs to be the way teams are organized and mobilized. It needs to be the foundation for everything we do in missions. From it, people will receive life, hope and purpose. It addresses real physical needs, spiritual needs, and communal needs.

Maybe I am rambling, or maybe I am making perfect sense - I just got so excited honestly. The Bible makes a difference, it holds the key to missions. I have loved seeing how it guides our missions and the fruit that it has produced.


Angel - Update 5: Missions & the Bible


Luciana - Update 5: Missions & the Bible