Joel and Liz

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Joel and Liz | Age: 29 |

Winona Lake, IN (Joel) and Springfield, OH (Liz)

What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship? 

We have been involved in serving youth for the past several years through teen mentorship, neighborhood outreach, school aftercare and athletic programs and youth groups. Gaining this experience together has enabled us to develop skills in connecting with youth and facilitating ways to serve them. We have also both been a part of athletics teams since we were children, and coaching in recent years, which has developed in us a keen understand of team dynamic and effective communication. Other gifts and skills include, photography (both), communications/writing, mediation, and teaching (Liz), micro-business development, problem solving, hand drums and teaching (Joel).

How can people be praying for you? 

Joel- Please pray for humility, steadfastness, and discernment. As well as missing my family. Liz- I would love prayer for the Lord to continue to set his Word as the lens by which I’m able to interpret the world and in doing so, give me the discernment to use my gifts and skills to serve his people in humility and sacrifice.

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What is your favorite Scripture, and why? 

Joel- John 5:19-20; It’s a phenomenal reminder to subject all of ourselves to God and look to him for every instruction and direction. Liz- Hosea 6:1-3; I love these verses because they describe a God that is so careful and intentional and whom we can expect to receive us and heal us- reminding us that knowing the LORD, living before him is the very thing that raises us up no matter our circumstance.

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If you were a superhero what would your power be? 

Joel- To strip power from people who use it to harm others Liz- Invisibility

Joel and Liz needs to raise $6,790 for Summer Internship.



