House Visit

By Mark Olivera

Throughout our internship in Uganda, we have been welcomed into many homes and shared meals with our hosts. All of our hosts have been very hospitable, and all these moments have been very memorable. But one visit that sticks out for me specifically was the visit to the Kigozi’s.

We walked from Pastor Tom’s church to the Kigozi home after church for a meal. Once we arrived, it was evident that they put a lot of care and effort into making this time of fellowship meaningful. We got there, and they had a ribbon on the gate for us. One of our team members cut the ribbon.

They lined up throughout their house to welcome us with hugs. The Kigozis spent all day cooking a meal for the entire group. They cooked so much food that they didn’t have time to go to church that morning. They had a lot of love to share with us.

I’m thankful I had the opportunity to meet with Moses’ family. I haven’t had a lot of interactions with Moses, but it was a blessing to meet the people who raised him. They reflected God’s character through their hospitality and how they served us that day. And the meal was one of the best we’ve had while in Africa. The time there was well spent also because it was the second full day in Africa so we were able to use that time to get to know our friends from Kenya and Uganda. We were able to end our time there by listening to some Word and praying for the family.


Walking through Town


House Visits