House Visits
Lawrence Ssemakula, a GOD cooperative, translates for George and Margaret as they share their story with the interns.
By Olivia Beaverson
After a Sunday church service we led at The Word of God Redeemed church in Bombo we were hosted by the Kigozi family. It was so special because I know their son Moses back in the states. Moses met people from GOD International while still living in Uganda through his family hosting groups just like they did for us. Moses ended up marrying a member of the ministry and moved to the States with her which is how I Know him and his wife.
It was so special getting to meet the parents who raised him. I had heard legends about their extreme hospitality and let me tell you, they well lived up to the hype. As soon as we arrived there was a ribbon tied between two bushes at the entrance and a pair of scissors to cut upon our group’s entry. Next we were directed through the house to hug Moses’ brother, dad, and mom, each at different check points. Then we made our way out the back door and to the backyard where we were given seats that were intentionally placed in the shade and would stay shaded the whole time.
Then we ate. Holy smokes what great food and we had so much. They actually stacked home from the service so they could cook for our whole group. I learned while there that hospitality is not just making people feel welcome but making sure their needs are met even when it isn’t convenient for you. I think in the states people often struggle to be hospitable because it’s not lining up with their schedule or other tasks they need to get done. Not only did the Kigozi’s sacrifice their time and plans to host us but they provided food for us all which is not cheap in the states, let alone a developing country.
They gave much to us and we weren’t left wanting anything. Not just in terms of food and comfort but also spiritually. They made sure we were fed not just by generously filling our stomachs but by filling our souls through sharing their story, encouraging us through testimony and scripture, and a time of prayer and worship. It was a remarkable time and I learned so much. I know God is very thankful to have people representing his hospital character so well.