Get to Know Maddie

Get to Know Me...

I am 22 years old and I am from Dansville, Michigan :)
My favorite bible verse is Matthew 7:11, which says "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!"
My favorite food is Pomegranates!! They are delicious. 
And a fun fact about me is I am really, really scared of lizards. 

How Can People Count on Me During This Trip:

I am a reliable and loyal team member, so when carrying out plans or agendas I will participate fully and support whoever is leading.
I have an interest in pastoral care and hope to develop more of my capacity in that area during the youth conference we will facilitate and for the younger team members, I’ll have. I am a good active listener, I can ask people engaging and unique questions, and I have been told the council or wisdom I offer (while it's limited for sure) is usually beneficial to the recipient. Often this is the case because I believe my perspective is balanced and I know when the person I’m engaging with should go to someone higher up in leadership for council. I know I don’t know it all.
I am also a good idea generator and problem solver. I do this a lot for the jobs I work in Tennessee and have a reputation for having those attributes amongst other employers and friends/teammates.
I have a history of playing sports so I can offer quite a bit of knowledge with how different games are played what the rules are and what strategies for success can be. This also plays into the kind of team player I am. 

How Can You Pray For Me?

I would appreciate prayer for this upcoming trip, for my status as well as the success and fruit of it as a whole. This will be my second trip that I have taken and I really would like prayer for my mind as I travel to a third-world country once again. It would be more full and saturated with scripture so that things make some more sense and I can see God’s heart and purpose for people more often. I would love prayer for a selfless and sacrificial heart because when I am in uncomfortable or foreign places I tend to crave comfort but it can lead to missing the lessons and needs that are present around me. I would also love your prayer as this is my second trip, for my capacity as a leader and a competent contributor to the Lord’s will to be developed and grow exponentially. 

Why are You Going?

I am going on this trip because serving the poor and developing my capacity as a follower of Christ is what I want my life to be about. I want my time to be filled with it because it is beneficial to have experiences of implantation paired with the studies that I am doing at the Institute. I learned about this trip through my teachers at the Institute for G.O.D. It is the second trip that I will be taking through this organization of Global Outreach Developments and it is fulfilling the second trip requirement for me to get my undergraduate degree through the Institute. Their trips are amazing and the last one that I went on changed my life forever. 


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