Get to Know Luciana

Hello Family and Friends!

I want you to know that this summer I have the amazing opportunity to go on Summer Internship with Global Outreach Developments International. For those who don’t know what Summer internship is—It is a mission trip that allows me along with other young adults to learn from experts on how to do local community service as well as service abroad in another region.

     This year I will be serving here in Nashville, as well as Morristown, Tennessee with a Hispanic immigrant community, and for the majority of the trip be in East Africa to gain cross-cultural service and development work experience! This trip will take place from June 12th to July 19th this summer.

   My overall goal is to raise $6,700, for this Summer Internship. This would be for the cost of not only my eating, lodging, and plane tickets but it would also go towards those who we stay and serve with in the developing world. Yes this is a great cost for a trip, but I believe that it will be worth it for the life long impact it will have on my life and others. I know that it is possible and with your help I will be able to go on this trip this summer! So please consider supporting me in this decision to spend my summer serving abroad. 

Please be praying for me this trip!

     Pray that I have a soft heart for the Lord to work with. Also that I can have my eyes opened to those in this world who need touched by the Lord, and how he would like to use me to respond to that need with the gifts he has given me. 

    Consider donating towards my trip as liaisons assisting toward my calling in Christ. Many of you already play such a special role in my life and for that I am so thankful and indebted to much love. I pray God uses us together to make a lasting impact in the world. Thank you for joining me in this special time in my life, entering adulthood. 


Get to Know Elijah


Get to Know Maddie